Tuesday 31 July 2012

Primrose tutorial

Sorry for not posting for ages but hers another post today i'm showing you how to turn your medoll into the adorable Primrose Everdeen( katniss's little sister) sorry its a easy one :]

1.First off turn your eyebrows a dark blonde and choose the last pair on the bottom line of the first page then turn your eyes a light grey/blue.
2.Pick the first nose on the first page then pick the pair of lips in the middle of the fourth line on the fourth page
TIP:make your doll pale to make it look more like prim and add brown cheek bones just drag the meter half away

4.Apply a light grey eyeshadow  to the eyelid
5.then add light pink/orange eyeshadow to the edges of your eyes
6next take a brown eyeliner and add shading carefully around your eye then white on the straight bit at the bottom
7.add a brown mascara to the top eyelashes
8.pick the two plaits superstar hair and dye it blonde (use which blonde dye you want)
                                      (click to enlarge)

Lots of love missAshie1991 x